Christian Counseling

“For a child is born to us. A son is given to us; And the government is upon His shoulders; And
His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6


Discover the truth.

Jesus is truth.

It all comes down to Jesus.


At the heart of all your fears. All your worries. All your pain.

He is there.


He’s the model – the example – the ultimate.

The best counselor there ever was.


And He cares for you.

Have you ever heard this saying?

“How cool is it that the same God who created mountains and oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you, too?”

He created you. He made you wonderfully perfect, loved, and unique.

You have meaning – purpose – He has a plan for you.

Without shame or guilt…

Jesus comes to you. He will meet you – who you are – where you are.

Christian counseling is not a place for you to feel criticized, to receive moral direction on what’s right and wrong, or to have someone tell you what you should believe.

My goal is to help you get a better understanding of yourself and your relationship with God.

To hear His spirit.

To understand His love for you.

To forgive yourself for past mistakes – even the ones you believe God can’t forgive.

Be exactly who God created you to be.

Do you live your life unapologetically, exactly who you were meant to be?

There’s no limit to God’s power.

God is bigger than any storm you’re facing, any trials you’re currently trying to get through, and any pain that has buried us.

He can and will reveal Himself to you and show you exactly who He made you to be.

Let your light shine.

There’s a spark of divinity within you – the world is waiting to see it.

There’s perfect joy inside your heart – it’s waiting to burst out and touch the lives of others.

You have all the potential in the world – because God has given it to you.

Break your chains. Accept your gifts. Experience real joy. Grow.

Reach out. Let me help you realize exactly how God made you to be.

He’s waiting for you.

Please give me a call (770) 450 -5556. Let’s walk this empowering journey together.