Eating Disorders

The roller coaster from hell…

You’re strapped in.

You can’t get off. There’s no escape.

You’re addicted.

You can almost hear the weight coming back – pound after pound.

The anxiety and embarrassment build. You start to feel sick.

Until finally, you reach the top.

You linger – suspended – searching for the next surefire fad.

Suddenly, the weight comes down – rapidly.

Lightheaded – nervous – irritable – agitated.

Zigzagging from shakes to pills to teas to programs.

Starving to bingeing.

Before you know it, you’re tired of one program, or it doesn’t work like it once did. So you’re off to another – gym after gym – plan after plan.

Your body never adjusts, and your mind becomes more and more obsessed.

Thinking about food and trying to control your weight has been at the center of your being for as long as you can remember.

You’re exhausted.

Nothing’s working.

You’re trapped. Trapped by thoughts you don’t trust in a body you hate.

Your self-esteem plummets.

You constantly worry about what others think.

Everyone around you looks healthy – thin – perfect.

Your anxiety around food is just too much to bear.

You can’t stand the sight of yourself in a mirror.

You avoid selfies, family photos – heaven forbid someone should catch you in a picture.

And even worse…

You don’t want your family and friends to see you this way, so you live in daily isolation and depression.

Harder and harder every day…

It’s a struggle just to get up in the morning.

You tell yourself, “Today is finally going to be a good day.”

And you mean it. You do.

You give it everything you have.

But it’s never enough.

You’re a failure.

You want, more than ever, only what you can’t seem to have: willpower and self-control.

But here’s the truth:

You didn’t fail yourself.

The diets failed you. The restriction failed you. The control failed you.

And they have you locked up in chains with all control and power over you.

It’s ravaged you.




You just want to be you again.

Imagine the freedom…

You wake up – to an overwhelming sense of peace.

The heavy burdens lifted from your shoulders.


Free from the constant shame and guilt surrounding food.

Free from the struggle to find something to wear to hide your pain.

Free from the disdain and rejection of your own body.

You find yourself again.

Real freedom lies in the journey inward.

Seize the moment!

Take back your life.

Let go of control.

Let go of self-hatred and body shaming.

Let go of restrictive eating.

Let go of anxiety around food.

Rediscover the real you.

Reach out to me today.

Together, let’s redefine your relationships for health and happiness.

Learn to love food again.

Learn to trust your body.

Learn to be free!!! Call me today (770) 450-5556.